Yes, its that time of year again...
Time to pull out the old, review, and bring on the new...
You know what I'm talking about...
New Year's resolutions...
I, technically, have never been a big "New Years" person... I don't drink, and I don't really get into the celebrating thing that much and would rather be doing a gig... (so I am busy and I can run down off stage right after midnight and give my hubby a smooch, then go back up for another hour of singing...)
But, this year, I got canceled out of my gig, (apparently it doesn't look good to have ONE back-up singer on New Years...you need two and the money wasn't there for two...) so I am hanging with the family and doing the snacks, watch movies, dance around, and all hug and smooch at the specified time...
Well and good, but we all know that its that time of the year when we
re-evaluate ourselves and make new resolutions....which we will break after several months or maybe even several days.....
Soooo, here goes mine......
1. Apparently we are supposed to smooch more often, (I got this off the internet of the top resolutions that would be good for us for this year....hmmmm)
so I will put this at the top of my list, as I like doing that,.....AND hugging, alot!
2. I will start writing "thank you" notes this year... (this is a leftover from last year, where I didn't even do one......sigh....)....even if it is just written as an
3. I will lose 15 lbs. (last year it was only 10....go figure....)
4. I will exercise at LEAST four times a week and join a gym to do the weight machines... (this one isn't too bad, as I actually love to exercise....refer to earlier blog)...or maybe get my own machine---I would LOVE one of those!
5. I will try to start my theater this year....it looks like I finally have a building for it...if we can get our house sold, and get some grant money, and....( I really need a partner for this, so if you want a crack at it, and have a real good head for marketing, and financing, and grants, etc.----let me know----I can do all the creative stuff....and we can probably get you a place to live in the building, rent free...!)
6. I will read my scriptures everyday.... (I have done terribly on this one, and really NEED to get back on track...)
7. I will try to play with Aydan more often....er....really get down on the floor and PLAY stuff with him....er....maybe do some games with him.....er.....maybe just read with him..... (Poor Aydan....I am soooooo burned out with raising kids....)
8. I will only watch the tube two nights a week......(I'll just Tivo the other days and watch them all on those two days...I just can't get enough of BBC America, Project Runway, America's Top Model, and HGTV!)
9. I will be better at being on time......(yeah, right......)
10. I will appreciate my family and tell them more often that I love them, adore them, and will overlook the eccentricities that drive me crazy....
(at least for a week....)
I feel much better now....
I know that I have a lot more that need to be dealt with, but I'm not going to push it....
I will try to do these until the end of January, at least.................er...........until January 15th...........er................at least for the first week of January.....