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Saturday, November 26, 2005

"It's Time For My Boob Squish of The Year"

(caution: this blog contains scary or disturbing images...)

(Sung to the tune of "Its the Most Wonderful Time of the Year")

"Yes, its time for my boob squish of the year,
I just make my appointment, and check once or twice to make sure the date's clear...
Yes, its time for my boob squish of the year---

The date then arrives and I go on the drive to the office of my OB.
I go in the door and sign in with the nurse---she seems glad to see me...
Oh, its time for my boob squish of the year.

I then go in the back, put my top on the rack and put on that weird robe---
Then its time for my boob squish of the year!

The nurse, she then calls me---she tells me to stand straight, put one boob on the steel plate...
She tells me to hold my breath, won't take a moment and I don't have long to wait.

'Cause it TIME for my boob squish of the year!

Then the steel plate's descending and I'm comprehending the pain thats to come...........


......Now,........I've had my boob squish for the year.
Then I'll go home and wait for the postcard they mail me to say my scan's clear!

Then, I'll be glad I had my boob squish---- glad my results were what I would wish...
Yes, to live in a day when we can............................have a boob squish!!!!!"


Brinna said...

I am absolutely speechless...

Shawn said...

THAT, in itself, Brinna, is a MAJOR render you speechless! :)

Brinna said...

Hey now!

Above the belt!

Hailey said...

Wow, how utterly inspiring. It ALMOST makes me want to go out and get a mammogram...almost...

Anonymous said...

As always Shawn, I can't stop laughing, but instead of my mother giving me dirty looks from the pulpit, I'm getting weird looks from those in my office! I'll remember to read your blog at home where I can laugh in private!

Shawn said...

Hey Rachel...

You go, girl!

Glad to have your comments!

You are awesome...

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