Well, I was in Utah to visit my amazing daughter, Hailey and see her show, which blew me away, by the by.... If you live there----you HAVE to go and see her----she is one talented gal! (Even though I do say so myself) She is at the Hale Center Theater in Orem----every Wed., Thurs. and Friday nights through the 21st of Nov.---Little Shop Of Horrors----she plays Audrey....
Now......I was able to meet some of my favorite bloggers this time out to Utah. I was going, going, and going with my daughter, and my G-babies, as well as spending time with my sister and family members,......but I was able to squeeze a show, a lunch and dinner with some super bloggers----and now super friends!
The first thing that I was able to do-----was to go to Haileys show....and sure enough, there were some uber cool blogging ladies there!
Julia, Me!, Hailey,(in costume and hair) Tanya, Lisa, and Kacy (check out their blogs---
you'll love them!)
you'll love them!)
So here we are in all our glory.....eating at Chili's----yeah, I know, not very inventive, but when people are coming from almost 45 minutes away!! And we had to meet late, as everyone had different schedules, etc.----and no really cool restaurants stayed opened past 9:00----yep----its Utah, what do you expect?
Susette, Hailey, Me, Arianne, Tiburon, Corrie, Rachel, and Hannah (Yes.....and
they each have splendiforus blogs also---check them out!)
they each have splendiforus blogs also---check them out!)
Me, Rachel, and Hannah for an extra hug after the dinner....the wind was freezing and what
the heck is growing out of my head? Hmmmm.
the heck is growing out of my head? Hmmmm.
Then, the last day before I left, we got together with Lisa for lunch. I called and tried to
get ahold of one of my favorite bloggers, Lynne, but she didn't call back-----I left the message with her hubby---hmmm. And then I never got back with her----as we were hustling around
trying to get ready for me to get out to town the next day-----so much to do and always so little time! I just hope that I will be able to catch her on my next trip!
Lisa (who also writes for Light Refreshments Served) and I----isn't she gorgeous?
And last, but NOT least----my beautiful daughter, Hailey and I! (Rockin' those
mustard color earrings...)
mustard color earrings...)
So, I would recommend that any time you are going to another city around this great country---try to get with some favorite bloggers. By the by----Susette is planning on coming out to visit Connecticut and Boston-----she is going to stay with another great blogger, Rhonda, and then coming to stay with her daughter.....so I am hoping that we can hang for a bit more.
So, who wants to come out and check out Boston? I would love to have some visitors.....
"ONE, is the loneliest number that you'll ever Do"! - Three Dog Night
Um, I think I really need my bangs--my forehead could eat Texas.
We miss you!
I had a FABULOUS time hanging out with all of you guys. Especially meeting you. You are such a beautiful person and I am thankful we met. And that I have another Mom :)
Now can you just take down that picture of me outside?
Man, you know everyone! The only way those meet ups would have been better would have been if I had been there. :) Next time!
Yoy look gorgeous as ever!
Boston is definitely on my list!
Wish I could have joined you all in Utah! Looks like a lot of fun!
Looks like a BLAST! Wish I would have known you were in Utah I would have LOVED to meet you woman!
♥ HUGS ♥
I sure hope Rhonda does plan a get-together with all you cool New Englanders. I had such a great time and appreciated so much the invite. It's always nice to feel loved. Next time you come you just may need to invite all of Utah blogging land and then you could meet everyone in one shot!
It was great to meet you! (sheesh why am I the only one not smiling? perhaps I'm doing a teeth check - cilantro, anyone?)
Someday I'd love to hear you sing.
How fantastic that you got to meet so many blogging buddies!!!
One of these days you'll make it down south to my neck of the woods.
Off to check out their fab blogs :D
OOh Boston? Too cold.
Woop woop for bloggy get togethers. I've thoroughly enjoyed mine too!
I LOVE Boston--will for sure look you up next time I'm there!
How much fun was that?!!?
If you're ever in Florida let me know!
Very cool - love the photos and if I lived in Orem I'd definitely check out your daughter's show - you both are just gorgeous!
what a great trip! sounds like you had an amazing time, and how awesome about your daughter, I loved Little Shop the movie :)
GOSH!!! Everyone gets to meet Shawn but me!!
I so wish our conferences were in Boston still, it's my turn to go, and I would totally ditch classes to go hang with you!
For now, until your next Utah trip!
What a lot of bloggy fun! We'll have to get an East Coast version of this going sometime, huh?
That looked like SOOO much fun! I'm totally jealous!....even if you guys did eat at Chili's ;)
Isn't this bloggy world we live in fun!!!
...you guys all look amazing, beautiful!
It was soooo much fun to meet you!! I am for sure coming to Boston - just to see you.
And soak up your coolness :)
What a whirlwind trip! I'm so glad I got to meet you. You are a riot and I love it!
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