I rather got intrigued by this particular challenge on Facebook, so I thought that it would be fun to do for a blog. So, I am going to give my answers and then I challenge the first 5 commenters to do the same on their blog,....OK? OK!
***Then let me know---so I can read it!***USING ONLY ONE WORD! It's not as easy as you might think! Copy and change the answers to suit you and pass it on. It's really hard to only use one word answers. Be sure to tag the person you received it from!
1. Where is your cell phone? Pocket.
2. Your significant other? Work.
3. Your hair? Stylish.
4. Your mother? Subservient.
5. Your father? Controlling.
6. Your favorite? Family!
7. Your dream last night? Weird.
8. Your favorite drink? Pepsi.
9. Your dream/goal? House.
10. What room you are in? Kitchen.
11. Your hobby? Reading.
12. Your fear? Broke.
13. Where do you want to be in 6 years? Boston
14. Where were you last night? Airport.
15. Something that you are not? Normal.
16. Muffins? Yum.
17. Wish list item? Money.
18. Where you grew up? Texas.
19. Last thing you did? Movie.
20. What are you wearing? Tunic.
21. Your TV? Comedy.
22. Your pets? Home.
23. Friends? Miss.
24. Your life? Different.
25. Your mood? Hopeful.
26. Missing someone? Bret
27. Car? Prius.
28. Something you're not wearing? Jeans.
29. Your favorite store? Target.
30. Your favorite color? Green.
31. Your favorite kind of house? Old.
32. Where do you want to go on vacation? London
33. When is the last time you laughed? Today.
34. Last time you cried? Weeks.
35. Who will comment on this? Dunno!
36. One place that I go to over and over? Theatre.
37. One person who texts me regularly? Maryn.
38. My favorite place to eat? Shabu-Ya.
39. My favorite food? Any.
40. What do you like about the person that sent this to you? Unique.
you DO have stylish hair... but you should prob put SEXY stylish hair!
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