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Monday, November 24, 2008

A Day In My Life

There is a blog that I like to read by Jennie. It has some great information on food storage and is fun to read, to boot. Of course, she writes every day and does writing for Segullah, so she is way out of my league, but I like to read her experiences anyway.

She challenged everyone to record a full day of what they normally do. It was supposed to be last Friday, but of course, it was the last day that I could go to my show, Jane Eyre, as well as a day that I set aside to work on my new business, The Cannon Theatre, and I....well....forgot.

I also had told her that I was doing it and she didn't even list me in her list of people that were going to do it, so,.....well,....I guess that even if I didn't do it, I didn't really feel motivated because she hadn't recognized me. (did that even make sense?---hmmm)

But, what the heck, I said to myself? I don't care if anyone reads it, I thought that it might be fun....AND I DID IT TODAY!

So, here is my day: (on Monday, anyway...)

5:30 a.m.-----My hubby's first alarm goes off.

5:45 a.m.-----His alarm goes off again---I nudge him to PLEASE get up!

6:00 a.m.-----Last alarm goes off and he gets up.

6:30 a.m.-----My alarm goes off. (my clock is 10 minutes fast---so don't get confused)

6:32 a.m. I get right out of bed----I am not one of those that goes back to sleep.

6:35 a.m.----On my way to get Aydan up!

But of course, I ought to get a load of laundry in before I do that.

6:45 a.m.----Walk into my little guys room....

....and climb in for a quick snuggle. (Aydan says that I look scary in this picture without makeup!---he's right.)

6:55---Aydan gets dressed while I let the puppies out.

6:58 a.m.-----go back into Aydan's room to check on his progress----whoa! What a mess!

7:05 a.m.-----Looks much better now!

7:08 a.m.-----Aydan doing a chore, putting the utensils away.

7:15 a.m.------Breakfast of cinnamon toast, hot chocolate and scripture reading for Aydan....

...And yogurt, with oatmeal in it and my favorite hot chocolate for me.

7:30 a.m.----After getting a snack in his backpack, and all dressed up for the cold, we wait for the bus. (It was 25 degrees that day!)

7:35 a.m.------Back inside to feed the animals---Mignon and Musette first...

.....Then Shadow and Marmelade.

7:50 a.m.-----Now I read for about 15 minutes, and then....yep....I go back to sleep.

10:00 a.m.-----I'm up and I make my bed, (its an obsession with me---I can't have an unmade bed during the day) put away some clothes, then get on my work-out clothes.

10:15 a.m.-----Walk on my treadmill, and watch a DVD----usually a foreign film or some
independent film. (sometimes I do my Bowflex---you can see it in the back)

11:00-12:00 a.m.------Take a shower, find an outfit to wear, change my mind at least three times, do my hair and makeup and voila!----I'm ready to go!

12:15-2:30 p.m.-----Put sweaters on the puppies, straighten up a bit and then leave for Target---one of my favorite places on earth!

2:50 p.m.-----Arrive home and let the puppies run a bit while I take the bags in the house.

3:00 p.m.-----Aydan gets home on the bus. Maryn, my college daughter is there to greet him, as she is home for the holiday this week. (thats our house in the back)

3:05---Finally time for some lunch and time to do some e-mail checking!

3:45 p.m.----I head to my studio/theatre for voice lessons. This is the lobby area.

This is looking back toward the theatre from the lobby.

My theatre space....

....and my studio area.

This is one of my students, Nicole. ( I didn't get pictures of all of them---I forgot)

And this one is Maggie. (It looks like my turkey gobbler is coming out early---I guess that is what happens when I sing---terribly unattractive!)

7:00 p.m.-----Back home again to have dinner. I made pasta with shrimp sauce. (I had gotten the shrimp on sale at Target---I don't usually do something so fancy---if I have time to do anything at all!)

7:30 p.m.----Down time for Aydan with his Daddy----doing Math games on the computer. I am cleaning up, of course.

8:45 p.m.----Aydan is in bed, teeth brushed, and ready for prayers and lights out.

9:00 p.m.-12:00 a.m.----Catch up on my TIVO from the weekend, as well as Monday's---Chuck is a favorite---and Jon and Kate Plus 8. (and I downloaded some videos on my You Tube)

My other daughter, Brinna, came over to spend the night, since she is taking Maryn down to the Cape tomorrow. (I had a picture of them, but I couldn't find it on my computer---as I had already downloaded the first ones and tried to add it later---oh, well) We are all spending Thanksgiving there----and are all looking forward to it! Finally, some time off!

I ended up staying up until about 1:30 visiting with them, and doing more computer stuff. I got ready for bed, then read for about five minutes, and turned out my light at 2:00 a.m.

That's my day!

I would like to tag a few people to do this----its pretty, come know you want to!

Chris C.

Hmmm, I can't think of anyone else that reads my blog....and then these people don't read it regularly, so I will just wait and see....

Let me know if you do this, guys!


Hildie said...

Hey, I totally linked to you on Friday! But at about 1:00 I took off all the people who didn't have theirs up yet. I didn't want to make anyone feel bad for not doing it after all.

Anyway, cool house. You can't find red houses down here which is a real pity.

I liked seeing the whole fam. You are a busy lady!

Lynne's Somewhat Invented Life said...

I can't believe all you get done and so unbearably early in the mornng. I'm so impressed with the scripture reading and the exercising and you look wonderful in the early morning.

I'll do this, probably not tomorrow as it's a horrible, get-ready-for-Thanksgiving-mad-mad day. Maybe that would be a good day to do it, who knows. Sounds like fun.

Thanks for the tag.

Anonymous said...

I read it :-) haha ayden is adorable...i don't even remember how small he was in Bedford. Sounds like the life. wanna trade?

Hailey said...

All of Aydan's stuff is totally under the bed, huh?

Love the scriptures prop for the pictures! And the dog and cats you brought in--genius! And whose house is that? Whose clothes?

I'm kidding, of course--it's all very real. I don't think I could do this-no one poses for pictures around here, they're too busy tackling each other and screaming at me (I refer to two individuals, of course.)

HaLaine said...

I'm TAGGED! Do I have to do pictures? I mean it's more exciting that way, but there won't be any pre-shower face in there. ( "

Cool day, by the way. Mine is much more boring. ( "

Anonymous said...

WOW, you live quite the life. I couldn't figure out why you had such warm PJ's on. I forgot you live where it is cold. It has been a low in the 60's at night here and sleeping with the window's open doesn't make it much cooler. Aydan's is right about you being scary in the morning! JK!

Shawn said...

Yay! Lynne and Hannah---can't wait to read about your days----and its more fun with photos. (and yes, Hailey, you too can take pics of those twin babies tackling everything in sight!)

And you did notice that I took a two hour "nap" at 8:00 in the morning, so thats not too impressive! hee, hee.

Rachel said...

Oh my gosh! This is an awesome idea for a blog post...dont be surprised if I use the idea for a later date!

Janene Wilson said...

I can't believe I saw my name on that list. I guess I'll have to give "A Day in My Life" a try. Maybe you'll actually read my blog.:) I was definitely impressed by your minute by minute reporting and it was fun to see pictures of your house, etc. I'll see what I can do.

Elly said...

Cool! It's kind of fun to see what people do with their days. I love how neat and clean your house is!I'm glad you tagged me. I'm trying make the time to blog again, so this'll be a good way to get me going again.

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