Is this where my family has been hiding?

And, since I wanted everyone to come out here to the East coast and that just wasn't happening----there's no way I can get anyone out here from the West----even though I have been going back there almost every year for 10 years-----I decided to have it in Colorado. I used to live there, and it is kind of close to everyone out there.
So, that is where I am going. I will not be here this week. I will not be able to read blogs or comment, or do my usual blog on Friday. I will be hanging with the fam-----hiking, hopefully canoeing, going to ghost towns, playing games, creating amazing meals, and just catching up!
Fun, huh? I also get to hang with my G-babies, and that will be so exciting.....
I do want to say that I have been loving meeting new bloggers these last few months. There are so many great blogs out there, and fantastic women and men that are inspiring to me. I will miss you......but I will be back.
In the meanwhile, I've got to share this new award----given to me by a new blogger friend, Robbie----she seems like a very intelligent, sweet and caring person---go check out her blog here.
Thanks, Robbie!

Be sure and check back next week, as I am preparing something for a contest for SITS, (Secret In The Sauce) and I REALLY want to win.
I guarantee that you WON'T want to miss it!
Until then, Au Revoir!
**And some new blogger friends that I would like to recognize with this award:
1. Zelzee
2. My Life On The East Coast
3. Chopped Salad
4. The Stylish House
5. Bon Bon Rose
What a cool, fun place! I remember going to ghost towns in California.
Me too. I've been to one called Bodie and one called Calico. It's pretty fun. I hope your family likes it and has a great time.
enjoy your reunion!
Thank you so much for the award!!!
I am thrilled!! How sweet are you!
Have fun at your reunion. If anyone can make an exciting, memorable can!!!
That sounds like an amazing time...have fun! Can't wait to see you SITS surprise ;-)
Jamie :)
Have a great time! Hope you eat yourself sick! (Because isn't that what people do at reunions?)
Oh, my Dear Friends, both male and female, mainly FEMALE! Who are YOU? Where are YOU? Which world are YOU living in? Why don't YOU tell me something abouth THE LINDTH CHOCOLATE? What happened with YOU?
"What a cool, fun place! I remember going to ghost towns in California."
"Me too. I've been to one called Bodie and one called Calico. It's pretty fun."
"enjoy your reunion!"
"Have fun at your reunion."
"That sounds like an amazing time...have fun!"
Don't You feel You are all the same!?????????????
HALLELUJAH!!!"Lindth chocolate!"
HALLELUJAH!!"It's Reunion Time"!
Niki ( 7 hours=time zones away)
Oh sure. I'll remember this. On your birthday.
p.s., I think you might want to check and see if Nikolay is still taking medication.
OMG!!! Thank you so much!!!! This means so much to me! My first Award!!!! Totally made my day! You're the best!!!
Also! Enjoy your trip! I have never been there before but I hear it's amazing. Can't wait to see pictures.
My Dear Friends, please, don't be angry with me. I DO really would not like to upset anybody. Yes, I DO feel like an elephant in a glass store ( thank YOU Carrot Jello) but I would never allow miself be a terminator in a glass store or in whatever store, the least in a LINDT CHOCOLATE store. That's true, no ironi, no mocking or mocking birds or whatever birds.
In my memory LINDT CHOCOLATE is conected with special aluminium-like or looking jars. Yes, they were wery special jars like those in which in the past in the countryside milk was collected from the farms. Obviously, that's not the modern way of offering that "M-M-M"-chocolate but these are my sentiments about it. That's the deliciousness melting in your mouth, a perfectioned and sopfisticated deliciousness. I would like to believe that You will not be so severe judges concerning my English. Thank YOU! Thank YOU Carrot Jello!
Thank YOU Shawn!
Some day maybe I'll make some extra comment on the picture above, the picture of the grave. It's very special. 7 time zones away from YOU we don't have such graves. But don't be afraid, I may just dissappear and never bother YOU any more.
Zelzee, congratulations!
Congratulations to YOU Renee as well!
Many happy returns of the day, as Winnie The Pooh would say!
Thanks so much for the fabulous award! As far as reunions go...hubby is from UT and we always go west for his reunions as well. His family seriously treat the East Coast as if it was a foreign country...
Enjoy your reunion!
Have a great time on the trip- How fun!
Have a great time on the trip- How fun!
Congrats and thank you so much! I hope you're having a blast!
I hope you are having a wonderful time. We went to Bodie in California and loved it!
Have a wonderful reunion!
Congrats on your award, and have fun with the family!
Sounds like a lot of fun! Have a great time!
I would love to go there!
Hi from SITS!!
my family is in town too. I've been so completely absent from the blogging world for the last couple weeks. I feel guilty. I'm trying to mend my ways. Have a great time with your fam!
I was over earlier, but having computer issue so did not leave a comment. I grew up in Colorado and it will always be home no matter how far I wander. Enjoy your vacation and spending time with your loved ones. Thank you for the award, it was so sweet of you. I am setting up a separate page so I can have a nice place to display them. Catch up with you when you return.
That is such a cool idea about family reunions! Thanks for visitng my blog! I love yours and look forward to reading more :) I live on the east coast right now and most of the fam is on the I can relate! Enjoy your time!
Oh...Have fun with the fam!
I so wish I could have met up with you when you were in NY...and I'm sorry I did not get back to you sooner! The day of your concert was the evening my oldest had his Championship Lacrosse game. The last one of the Season...they won 1st place...and then there was a end of the year party!
Do let me know the next time you get anywhere near this way! I would still love to meet you!
did you know I moved my blog? It is here:
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