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Friday, December 30, 2005

Ring Out the Old, Ring In the New...


Yes, its that time of year again...

Time to pull out the old, review, and bring on the new...

You know what I'm talking about...

New Year's resolutions...

I, technically, have never been a big "New Years" person... I don't drink, and I don't really get into the celebrating thing that much and would rather be doing a gig... (so I am busy and I can run down off stage right after midnight and give my hubby a smooch, then go back up for another hour of singing...)

But, this year, I got canceled out of my gig, (apparently it doesn't look good to have ONE back-up singer on New need two and the money wasn't there for two...) so I am hanging with the family and doing the snacks, watch movies, dance around, and all hug and smooch at the specified time...

Well and good, but we all know that its that time of the year when we
re-evaluate ourselves and make new resolutions....which we will break after several months or maybe even several days.....

Soooo, here goes mine......

1. Apparently we are supposed to smooch more often, (I got this off the internet of the top resolutions that would be good for us for this year....hmmmm)
so I will put this at the top of my list, as I like doing that,.....AND hugging, alot!

2. I will start writing "thank you" notes this year... (this is a leftover from last year, where I didn't even do one......sigh....)....even if it is just written as an

3. I will lose 15 lbs. (last year it was only 10....go figure....)

4. I will exercise at LEAST four times a week and join a gym to do the weight machines... (this one isn't too bad, as I actually love to exercise....refer to earlier blog)...or maybe get my own machine---I would LOVE one of those!

5. I will try to start my theater this looks like I finally have a building for it...if we can get our house sold, and get some grant money, and....( I really need a partner for this, so if you want a crack at it, and have a real good head for marketing, and financing, and grants, etc.----let me know----I can do all the creative stuff....and we can probably get you a place to live in the building, rent free...!)

6. I will read my scriptures everyday.... (I have done terribly on this one, and really NEED to get back on track...)

7. I will try to play with Aydan more get down on the floor and PLAY stuff with do some games with just read with him..... (Poor Aydan....I am soooooo burned out with raising kids....)

8. I will only watch the tube two nights a week......(I'll just Tivo the other days and watch them all on those two days...I just can't get enough of BBC America, Project Runway, America's Top Model, and HGTV!)

9. I will be better at being on time......(yeah, right......)

10. I will appreciate my family and tell them more often that I love them, adore them, and will overlook the eccentricities that drive me crazy....
(at least for a week....)


I feel much better now....

I know that I have a lot more that need to be dealt with, but I'm not going to push it....

I will try to do these until the end of January, at January least for the first week of January.....

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Tis the Season to Be....

Ok, so I wrote on my family blog this morning and expressed all the things that I LOVE about Christmas time... You may read them at you don't think that I am a total Grinch...

But, there are several things that annoy me about this time of year, also....

*The crowds of people....and here, in New England, they take advantage of your driving hospitality by pushing their cars into your lane, blocking the lane coming the other way and not allowing ANY traffic to go anywhere....(and the funny thing is---they had a "create peace" bumper sticker on their car...go figure....)

**I always eat too much food...especially sweets...that I usually don't indulge in...and then get angry at myself...

***Mailing packages is annoying... I try to do most of the shopping on line, but it seems so impersonal and I couldn't always find what I wanted...

****I get stressed by the whole "getting ready" for Christmas Eve, when we have some people over....believe me, I'm a Grinch then!

*****I really hate that there are always pine needles in my house for at least 4 months after Christmas....they seem to reproduce....

******I'm always either the choir director at church or in the choir or singing a solo in church, or the family is doing a number, so I am always stressed at the church Christmas would kind of be nice to sit and not have anything to do....

*******No one gets enough sleep and kids are always whiny and cranky around this time of much for the "oh, you better watch out"... theory.

********I don't get to see my G-babies at this time of year, and I MISS them so very much!

*********I really detest those "holiday" sweaters....and those pins and accessories.....where is "What Not to Wear" when you need them?

**********I do NOT like it when we have to say "Happy Holiday" to be PC to those who get offended if you keep the season Christ centered, that is the MAIN reason we have the holiday....and I have decided that I am NOT going to do this this year I have always made a point to say: "Have a Merry Christmas!"

.....With all that off of my chest, I have to say that I hope the holidays are joyful for you and yours and that you don't encounter any of the nightmares that I just spoke of...

After all,.....didn't someone say that we don't recognize the good in things unless we have some of the bad?

Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year!

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Forever Young

This week, I had a gig for a Christmas party at a local restaurant. I was doing backup vocals for a Rod Stewart impersonator. I always love to do these gigs, as it is relatively easy for me, (I don't have to sing lead on 3/4 of the songs for 3 or 4 hours) and I always like "rockin' out" on the music....and a plus...I get a good workout...dancing for three hours...

One of the songs that we do is "Forever Young"---(a great number, one that I like to do because I sing in unison on the chorus at first, then break out in three part harmony---I get to do the high notes----and I love the feel of it...) But, for some reason, this time the words of the song really hit me. So I started to ponder this, in lieu of what has been happening in my life lately, and what is it that keeps one "forever young"?

Now,.....I am what they call a "young at heart". Perhaps you have heard of this term before... It is usually applied to people that seem more ageless, having a youthful spirit. You can usually spot one of us.....because of our dress, speech, the way we walk, our music, the way we refuse to let our bodies dictate what we do, and also never listen to what other people feel is the way we should "behave" when we reach a certain age...

I know that there are others of us out there...

I still remember this old woman in the rest home that we used to visit in California with my son's class. She always wore makeup and had her hair done, and was always brightly and stylishly dressed... (hmmmm....kind of like me....) But, one week, as she was chatting animatedly, in a very young, vibrant voice...she stopped and looked a little lost....then looking at me full in the face, she said: "I don't understand how I got to be here. I feel so very young inside and I don't know why I am in an old folks all happened so fast..."

At that time, I was only in my late thirties and looked like I was in my mid twenties, so I laughed and thought that I would be young forever...

And so, I go through the a little bubble.....happy with my existence....always looking and thinking that other people are getting sad....but not me.... Then, every once in a while something happens to shake me up....and remove me from my fantasy land. Reality gets really close and I don't like it ONE BIT!!

Case in body starts to not cooperate when my youthful brain tells it to...

So......the week of Thanksgiving, when I woke up with the worst sore throat of the century, and took two weeks to conquer it, then got a migraine the next week, then woke up in the middle of the night last week with intense bladder pain----(you know what I mean----the kind where you feel your bottom is falling out every time you pee) and after getting on antibiotics, proceeded to have the worst headaches that I have ever had for four days in a row. (resulting in going to the emergency room and getting a morphine type drug to finally get rid of it) Yup......I finally started to feel like I was getting old!

So, naturally I have been moving a bit slower this last month than my usual energetic self....and then another example of my mortality hits me in the face, when my 5 year old, Aydan, after watching me slowly shuffle around the apartment, all drugged up, trying to get his breakfast, remarks: "Hey Mom....what's wrong with you? .....You are walking like a grandma!"

AAARRGGGGHHH........................Out of the mouth of babes....

Ok, I can now do one of two things.... I can realize that my body is getting older, and I can slow down and take up crafts, and cross stitch or something....

Or....I can get back off my butt, start exercising again,......I've fallen out of the habit, as I hadn't been feeling good----(and as I'm a bit of an exercise fanatic....I don't feel good unless I feel sore)----keep wearing my funky clothes, ignore the new wrinkles that come every few months now, keep dancing and singing with the various bands that I'm in, and continue doing what I feel matter what my body says...

Well, I guess its not brain surgery as to which one I will pick...I can't help it...I will be going strong until I drop dead someday... Much like my grandfather, who died with an brain anneurism after a night of dancing, before he was to haul hay that morning.....ahhhhh....what a way to go....

Until that next time....when I am walking past a bank on a street (you know the ones....they have huge windows and everyone can't help but look at their reflection when they are walking by)....and I glance at my reflection, take a sharp breath as I see an older version of my real self reflected, and then choose to ignore the vision, as I know how old I really am........inside....

Well...I better go...I've got to get my hair dyed...
What color? Light blonde, of blends in better with the gray that I don't have.....

Thursday, December 08, 2005

ALL I Want For Christmas Is...

Ok...ok, so I took this idea from my daughter, as she has her Christmas list on her blog, so she can be sure to get what she made me think about what it would be like, if I could have all MY Christmas wishes come true. Oh, yes....the world would be a better place for all to live, in my own warped sense of reasoning...

So, here is MY list of Christmas wishes:

1. No war anywhere and peace on earth. (I have to say this one, or I would seem inhumane...)

2. For me to wake up one morning, with 10 lbs. less of fat on my body. (Watch for details on this fetish to come soon...)

3. That teenagers these days would have more respect for their elders, someone that has more experience than anyone, period!

4. That people would stop thinking that wearing their favorite "sports" team wear is cool......IT'S NOT, OK? YOU LOOK REALLY SILLY! (this applies especially to women....GAG!)

5. I would love to have the fashions back in the 40's or 50's again, so women would dress up and wear hats, and matching purses, and fantasy!

6. That women that were getting older would stop saying that "This is the best time of my life...I look and feel better than EVER!".......I am here to tell you....they are ALL lying out of their teeth!!

7. That people that came to America would realize that we speak English here and not live here for 5 to 20 years, and still not speak English.... (I mean, what is this, when I go to the bank and they ask me what language that I want on the ATM...shouldn't we be speaking and reading English? If I was to live in another country, I would DEFINITELY learn their language....)

8. I would love to have just ONE night of real sleep....longer than 4 hours at a time... (I don't EVER sleep longer than 4 hour increments...even if I don't have to get up... My life is just a series of "naps")

9. That my children would all live close enough so I could see them EVERY week, and that they always talked good about me behind my back.... (yeah, right!)

10. Ok, Ok, so I have to be practical and throw in that I would LOVE to have a million dollars, or maybe two million, so I could start my own theatre, pay off the house, pay for all my kid's educations, and still have some to put into trust funds for when they reach 35,......and build that shelter for abused women and children that I always wanted to do if I had become rich and famous...

11. To be able to make a CD for my of all my favorite tunes....something that will last longer than I will....

12. A house to live in again...with a KITCHEN...and lots of space and closets!

13. Well, and then I would have to say that I would love to always be healthy and fun and young and witty and gorgeous and loving and supportive and spiritual and sexy and humble.......hmmmmmmm.....

14. Last, but not least, I guess that if the reader can't get me any of the above, I would like:
Some more perfume....Still (by J Lo) or Aqua di Gio (by Giorgio Armani)
A gift certificate to Target or H &M (my favorite store), or TJ Maxx
Anything for my house...I love to decorate! Can be gold, blue, red,
maroon, beige, or moss green.

I guess that's it....

Not earth shattering, but from the heart........
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