THE BAND TRIPS: My band returned to our favorite hang out state, Oklahoma! I had just ended a HUGE month with my different shows at the theatre, and was ready for some down time and was looking forward to getting away. And thank goodness we ended up having a pretty good trip---no weird flight changes, no cancellations, no one getting extremely sick and running to the toilet all the time, and no really drunk passengers or anything. And best of all, we didn't have to stay over in an airport on a cot!
We had played at this casino last year, so we were familiar with it, and the best part of this place was the fact that we could eat whatever we wanted at this marvelous buffet----they even served breakfast foods after we were done with our gig at 1:00 in the morning---how neat is that? (Of course, my favorite thing to do WOULD have to do with food!)
We played there two nights, and they seemed to love us----so maybe we will be able to go back again....
In the, Louis, Rick and Steve.
...riding between the terminals in the psychedelic lights.
We got there, and since I had only brought a light jacket, not my winter coat----well---it was Florida, for hecks sake-----I was freezing! We stood, waiting for our car----trying to get warm in the sun. We ended up playing in a really quaint inn----apparently a hot spot for most folks over the age of 65....and the best part? Yeah, you guessed it, all the food that we could eat----oh, and I got to meet one of my favorite bloggers, Shawn of Seriously fame. She had met Rick (our Rod impersonator) on a cruise that she went on and had found out that we were going to be performing about 15 minutes from her house, so she was going to surprise me! But things didn't go as planned and she ended up having to let me know beforehand.
So we just decided to have her come and meet me for lunch----and she had to hang with the band for awhile. Oh, what a lovely lunch we had! She is so beautiful, stunning eyes, and such a great personality to match----I totally fell in love with her! She fit right in----getting along well with the band members----as they oogled her-----dirty old men that they are....(did I mention that she is gorgeous?)
We enjoyed the buffet and and even had a bit of dessert with the heavenly strawberries from the area. She then came over to our sound check, as she wasn't able to come to the show later.
What a sweetheart she is! I am hoping that we are down there again----hmmm---maybe New Years?
We then got up the next day and drove about 4 hours down to Ft. Lauderdale. The place we stayed was a bit scary----I mean----the beds were lumpy and there were no blankets, only the bedspread on the bed.....eewwwww----just thinking about it gives me the creeps! We had a great show, with an even older audience----I believe that the average age was closer to 85 this time----but they enjoyed themselves----and that is what its all about!
We didn't get much sleep----there were slamming doors and noise all night long at the creepy motel that we were at, and we had to get up at 3:00 a.m. in order to leave for the airport by 4:00 a.m. But the trip back was pretty uneventful---thank goodness---and we arrived home quite exhausted, but safe, nonetheless.
We aren't scheduled for any more plane band trips for awhile, just driving gigs, (Maine and New York, to be exact) so this should be the last one for some time.....but come to think of it....I am going to miss that good food.
Airport fun.....
TRIP TO UTAH---MY G-BABIES: I try to get to Utah as much as I can to see my daughter, and the G-babies---oh, how I love them! Hailey is doing a show, "Dirty Rotten Scoundrels"----and it is MAGNIFICENT----so Aydan and I flew over there for about 5 days---and I watched the babies and visited with family, saw Hailey's show, and had a great blogger luncheon---it was a great trip.
The beautiful twins, Lane and Lucy, in their princess dresses.
Hailey, Me, Melissa, Corrie, and Tiberon----aren't they lovely?
LUCKY STIFF---My Musical Comedy:
I have been directing the first musical (for adults, that is----I have done two childrens musicals) at my theatre since January. I have wanted to do this musical for about 8 years, since my daughter did it. Its a hysterically funny comedy with lots of twists and turns and great songs, and----well----TONS of props and tech work. BUT---it finally opened this past weekend, and it has been a smash! I have a ton of pics from the show----and you don't have to look at them all, but I've got them here for posterity, right?
Here I am----doing the hair----early 1960's, dont'cha know----and yes,
I did the costumes also....and you were wondering why I've been so busy?
I did the costumes also....and you were wondering why I've been so busy?
Ok, so these are just a few of the things that I have been doing these past few months. Add in there my church job----choir director, and teaching my voice students two days a week, and starting two new show choirs this week, as well as taking care of the website----which you should all check out, as I am quite proud of Then, I have also had to do all the work on the publicity and tickets, etc., etc..... get the picture.
And now I get to pack over Spring break...... Sigh.
Oh, and I almost FORGOT! We might have a house!
But......................that's for another post.....
Sheesh, lady! No wonder you haven't been blogging!
You have been busy! Hope you get the house!
Glad you're still alive! I was wondering what happened to you. You definitely have been busy but you wouldn't know what to do with yourself if you weren't. Can't wait to hear about the house. Good luck!
My goodness! You have been very, very busy! But it looks like you are having a great time and it's good that you got to spend some time with family too! Love your new background!
Looking forward to hearing more!
Wow, you have been very busy! :) That was really fun to read. :)))
The best news is your possible house - Woot! It was great to see you!
I saw my friend perform as the nephew in Lucky Stiff awhile back. Such a fun show! Looks like you all had a great time!
I am absolutely exhausted just reading this! You certainly live life to the fullest dontcha girl?!!?
WOW is right you HAVE been busy and you look so incredible BEING busy! You hang around gorgeous people also!
The bowling pictures were my favorite! hehehe
Man I'm so bummed I couldn't make it to that lunch. :( You look and sound like you are having a great time! And good luck getting the house!
WOW! that was fun to catch up with you! I'm jealous that you got to meet all those wonderful beautiful bloggers!
so...will you be in my area this Summer so we can meet up again?
You weren't kidding! That was a lot of scrolling - but great recap. I love the pictures of the twins. SO cute!
You are such a gorgeous girl. I keep thinking, "I hope I look that good when I'm at her stage of life." And then I realize, I don't look that good NOW, so there's no hope of that later. How do you not ever age?????
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